Category: Lifestyle

Drugstore Products In Japan

On my recent trip to Japan, I picked up a couple things from various shops and drugstores. I thought it’d be interesting to share and go over these products based off of what I could read using Google Translate.

Saratect Insect Repellent

Insect repellent

One of the first things I picked up in Kyoto was this insect repellent. The active ingredient is DEET 10%. I didn’t use it too often, but the areas that I sprayed did not have any bites. I like how it had a mild fresh “marine” scent.

Omuniido Ketoprofen Patches

I applied these patches on my swollen ankles throughout the trip, especially on the days when we did a lot of walking. The packaging says it contains ketoprofen and menthol. Ketoprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used for pain and inflammation. I did like the cooling effect of the menthol that lasted a couple of hours. Upon removal, I noticed it did not leave any sticky residue, which I liked.

Loxonin EX Tape

These Loxonin patches were recommended by a store employee at Don Quixote. The patch contains loxoprofen, a different NSAID (not available in the U.S.) for pain and inflammation in musculoskeletal conditions. I haven’t had the chance to try this yet.

Traful PRO Quick

Stomatitis ointment

I started having a canker sore during my trip and I didn’t know there was a specific product for stomatitis (specifically mouth ulcers) until my friend recommended it. It’s an ointment formulation that contains triamcinolone acetonide 0.1%. The U.S. has a triamcinolone dental paste formulation called Oralone, but it requires a prescription. I used this ointment for a few consecutive nights, and to my surprise, my canker sore did heal pretty quickly.

EVE A Tablets

Eve A is indicated for pain and fever. Looking at the back of the package, it states the major ingredients as: ibuprofen 150mg, allylisopropylacetylurea 60mg, and anhydrous caffeine 80mg. I have heard it is commonly used for menstrual pain, which explains the combination with caffeine. Allylisopropylacetylurea (AKA apranalide or apronal) appears to be a mild sedative that has been withdrawn in many other countries.

Kenei’s Throat Fresh

Sore throat spray

This is a spray indicated for a sore throat. The main ingredient is povidone iodine 4.5mg/mL, which is commonly used as an antiseptic. It also contains additives such as menthol, eucalyptus oil, glycerin, ethanol, and flavoring. The U.S. does not carry povidone iodine in the form of a throat spray, but in the form of a rinse. When I used it, I did not think the taste was terrible. The menthol also provided a cooling sensation.

2022 Travels

Since finishing pharmacy school, I wanted to do some more traveling. I’m grateful to be at a place in life where I can afford to travel more and spend time with friends.

Honolulu, HI

Chicago, IL

June 2022 Books


The online pdf can be found on The Happy PharmD

This book is a guide for pharmacists looking to make a change in their careers. The author really hits home on a lot of struggles that pharmacists face with a broken healthcare system, burnout, and feeling stuck. While I personally didn’t find it that motivating, I really like how he addressed pharmacists’ self-limiting beliefs and our worries on how others view our reputation. It’s a refreshing read to learn about a PharmD pursuing a nontraditional path.

Indispensability, I realized, goes way beyond the walls of the pharmacy. More than anything else, it is about creating value for others.

Alex Barker

Atomic Habits

James Clear provides many examples and steps to build good habits (or break bad ones).

Never Split the Difference

Chris Voss provides high-stakes examples from his career as a hostage negotiator to explain how to handle everyday conflicts with people. Reading this definitely made me interested in trying some of his lessons in the future for salary negotiations or dealing with customers/patients in the pharmacy.

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